Back in the Fall of 2006, I learned of a “Barn-Raising” event for a family that owns and operates a small flower and vegetable farm located between Dripping Springs and Wimberley. Both Dorothee and I participated in the 3-weekend barn raising, along with perhaps 60-80 other local residents. It was truly an extraordinary example of community spirit, something not so often seen these days.
At the end of the very first day, a remarkable structure had been accomplished:
By the end of the first weekend, the basic barn structure, including custom laminated roof beams, was all in place:
By the end of the second weekend of work by local residents, the barn was structurally complete:
And, just a short weekend later, the barn was ready for service as flower storage for the farm, as well as a community center for dances and other celebrations!:
I was so impressed with this outpouring of community spirit that I wrote an article which appeared in the December edition of Hill Country Magazine. You can read the entire article by clicking here.