The Queen’s Revenge

Almost 2 years ago I realized a long-time dream.. acquisition of a 1953 British Ariel Square 4 motorcycle. Mine came sight-unseen from an East Coast owner, who represented the engine as having been “overhauled” less than 2,000 miles ago. Overall I was pleased with the initial physical condition of the bike. Not a show bike, … [Read more…]

Mexico 2017 Part Cuatro

<< PREVIOUS                                 NEXT >> MARTES 18 JULIO Today was “tour” day for us.  We arranged with Uriel to provide an all day tour of interesting places away from Queretaro.  As expected, he showed up right on time, early morning, for … [Read more…]

Going, Going, Gone

As time goes on, I am faced with the reality that there is a limit to the number of vehicles an individual owner can acquire, maintain, and drive regularly.  In recent years, I have had to face the choice of divesting myself with a few outstanding cars, in favor of being able to give proper … [Read more…]

Man’s Best Friend

They say that a dog is a man’s best friend.  If our own canine companions (Veloce – Whippet, and Cicero – German Shorthair Pointer) are any example, then that phrase is indisputable. No human could or would exhibit the unconditional love, obedience, and trust that is a natural component of most dogs’ personalities.  Our two … [Read more…]

On the Road Again

Not to rest on our laurels after our 3,000 mile bike trip to Sturgis, SD, my buddy Nathan and I decided to take a shorter trip in September (2015) over the Texas border to Louisiana. Again, a full narrative of our trip can be found at:

Sturgis 2015

As I’ve rekindled my interest in motorcycling over the past 4 years or so, it has seemed that I should make the trip to the Sturgis annual bike meet at least once.  I checked that off the bucket list this past August, accompanied by my biker buddy Nathan Gibson:   Full details of our trip … [Read more…]

Spain and France – 2015

Dorothee and I have traveled to a number of European countries… England, France, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Italy.. but have never been to Spain until July 2015.  Our flight was to Barcelona, where we spent several days and met up with our good friends (and fellow worldwide travel companions) Dietmar Panten and Britta Behmer from … [Read more…]

Out of Africa in 15 minutes

In the spring of 2014 Dorothee and I took a trip to South Africa to visit our good friends Roley and Ina Noffke, who live on the outskirts of Johannesburg.  It is a fatiguing trip… 19 hours flight time from Washington D.C. to Johannesburg, including a short fuel stop at Dakar, Senegal. We traveled via … [Read more…]

A House IS a Home!

During the almost 30 years Dorothee and I have been together, we have lived in 5 different houses. Looking back, however, none of the prior houses we’ve owned/occupied have every truly felt like OUR home until now. For example, our first house in Hilo came with orange (yes, Denny’s ORANGE) wall tile in the kitchen, … [Read more…]